Portuguese National weekend
Dears members, colleagues, and friends,
The Portuguese national amplitude modulation weekend on short-wave and VHF is back, on its 10th edition, organized as earlier by ARLA (Associação de Radioamadores do Litoral Alentejano).
Even though designated as “national” the event is open to any station and to international contacts.
During all the operation our official callsign, CS5ARLA, will be on the air for contacts on the AM mode.
The suggested HF frequencies for the event are generally located on the “all mode” segments, following the IARU Region 1 recommendations, but correspondingly to the traditional ones for international communications in AM as well, listed next by band:
80m – 3685/3705KHz
40m – 7060/7145KHz
20m – 14.330MHz
15m – 21.285MHz
10m – 29.050MHz
6m – 50.400MHz
2m – 144.550MHz
As usual, ensuing the spirit of this event, we encourage those who have a chance to operate classic and homemade (self-constructed) AM transceivers or transmitters, to prioritise its use.
Anyhow, as ham radio vintage stations are becoming rare, all sort of transceivers that allow you to transmit in AM mode are very welcome too. Nevertheless, please take all precautions to assure the correct AM emission standard on some modern equipment.
The CS5ARLA station will be on the air operated by CT4RK, using classical station, providing the highest modulation quality attainable.
In HF it will be operated a valve homemade emitter constructed by Carlos Mourato (CT4RK), with 200 Watts PEP output power (6146 plate-modulated by 2 EL34, with 50 Watts carrier) paired with a GELOSO G4/214 receiver.
On the 80 metres band in particular, the station it will be on the air as well with a Class D transceiver, with MOSFETs, modulated with a high level Pulse Wide Modulation capable of an output power up to 1.5 kW PEP in AM modulation, also self-constructed by Carlos Mourato (CT4RK).
The VHF CS5ARLA station will operate exclusively on 144,550 MHz, again with a separate line composed by a crystal controlled transmitter and receiver, both from an ancient air band communication station, modified by Carlos Mourato (CT4RK) to operate on the 2 metres band. The emitter can reach an output power of 200 Watts PEP in AM, as the HF station above mentioned.
The Portuguese national amplitude modulation weekend it’s not a contest, so there are no scores or points per contact. There is no participation diploma either.
It is based on free contacts, with no time limit and open to all chat issues and the radio usual “rag shoe”.
In this way, it is intended to re-stimulate the meaning of the QSO and not another way to get a simple diploma or a competition.
Once again on this edition, the event is aimed at the healthy interaction of amateur operators via radio, while at the same time paying a heartfelt tribute to the amateurs who once developed amateur radio, many of them, unfortunately, are no longer among us.
We also wish to recall the end of the AM shortwave broadcasts from the Portuguese territory, when, on October 30th, 2011, the Deutsche Welle radio station closed its facilities at the Sines broadcasting centre and Rádio Difusão Portuguesa Internacional (RDPi) suspended and later the respective short-wave emissions from Portugal in Modulated Amplitude.
The submission of the activity report (“Logbook”) is not mandatory, but it would be gratifying for the organization to receive those that can be sent to the email address:
Best regards and best 73 CT4RK
Cumprimentos: Carlos Mourato Sines – Portugal
REP member nº2155ARLA member nº 34 SAQ Grimeton member nº 1340
Best regards from: Carlos Mourato Sines – Portugal
Visite o meu canal Youtube em: my youtube channel at:
Aos meus e-mails não se aplica o acordo ortográfico.

Je fais partie d’un groupe de constructeurs et de récupérateurs de materiels anciens (Grupo AM de Portugal) , y compris des militaires comme ART13.
The 2021’s happening will take place from 08:00 am UTC (Universal Time Coordinated) of November the 6th, up to 10 pm UTC of November the 7th (Saturday and Sunday).
Il est intéressant de connaître davantage de OM en plus de la péninsule ibérique. Je me trouve au sud de Lisbonne dans la petite ville portuaire de Sines

Avant, je parlais beaucoup sur 10m avec Henk PE1MPH, mais maintenant il n’y a plus de propagation. J’entends très bien certains OM d’ARACCMA sur à 80m.
Je vais essayer de régler mon antenne et d’utiliser mon emetteur avec modulation classe D PWM.
Il peut aller jusqu’à 500W de porteuse (c’est comme une 4-400A modulée en anode !!!), mais pour la sécurité de fonctionnement, j’utilise seulement 350W de porteuse modulée en PWM.
Mon antenne est juste un W3DZZ réglé sur la fréquence habituelle, soit 3685KHz.
Voici quelques photos de mon émetteur AM fabriqué à la maison, basé sur le VFO GELOSO.

Il possède un 6146 à l’étage final (porteuse +/- 60W) modulé en anode par une paire de EL34 avec un transformateur de modulation STANCOR .

Prochainement quelques images de l’émetteur AM VHF