The 20, 15 and 10 meter AM Challenge begins today!
Useful frequencies are:
20m: 14.260 14.330 suggest using a window from 14.300 – 14.350
15m: 21.400 – 21.440
10m: Use the usual AM Window 29.000 – 29.100AM
ARS are running an operating challenge this summer!
20, 15 and 10 Metre AM Mode Challenge
The challenge runs from the 1st April until the 31st August.
The challenge is very simple, make as many QSO’s as you can on
the 14 MHz, 21 MHz and 28 – 29 MHz bands using the AM mode.
There are four categories to enable those with different licence classes:
1) 2.5 Watt carrier for the Foundation Licence
2) 12.5 Watt carrier for the Intermediate Licence
3) 100 watt carrier for the Full UK licence
4) European, for all European / non UK based amateurs
To submit your entry at the end of August, you simply have to send a list of stations worked, including date, time and frequency using any format which is easy for me to read to:
Please do take up the challenge!
If you are not a member of AM ARS, email me on the email address above to enquire about joining us.
If that is not for you, then please do get on the higher HF bands and help our members make plenty of QSOs this summer!
Simon MW0NWM
This is the ARS group

Will You Accept The Challenge?!